Wax is made[1] from the honeycombs after the honey has
been extracted. For this purpose, they are first cleaned with
water, and then dried three days in the shade: on the fourth
day they are melted on the fire in a new earthen vessel, with
sufficient water to cover them, after which the liquor is strained
off in a wicker basket.[2] The wax is then boiled again with
the same water and in the same pot, and poured into vessels of
cold water, the interior of which has been well rubbed with
honey. The best wax is that known as Punic[3] wax, the next
best being that of a remarkably yellow colour, with the smell
of honey. This last comes from Pontus, and, to my surprise,
it is in no way affected by the poisonous honey which it has
The Punic wax is prepared in the following manner: yellow wax is first blanched in the open air, after which it is boiled in water from the open sea, with the addition of some nitre.[6] The flower of the wax, or, in other words, the whitest part of it, is then skimmed off with spoons, and poured into a vessel containing a little cold water. After this, it is again boiled in sea-water by itself, which done, the vessel is left to cool. When this operation has been three times repeated, the wax is left in the open air upon a mat of rushes, to dry in the light of the sun and moon; for while the latter adds to its whiteness, the sun helps to dry[7] it. In order, however, that it may not melt, it is the practice to cover it with a linen cloth: if, when it has been thus refined, it is boiled once more, the result is a wax of the greatest possible whiteness.
Punic wax is considered the best for all medicinal preparations. Wax is made black by the addition of ashes of papyrus, and a red colour is given to it by the admixture of alkanet; indeed, by the employment of various pigments, it is
made to assume various tints, in which state it is used for
making models,[8] and for other purposes without number,
among which we may mention varnishing walls[9] and armour,
to protect them from the air. We have given the other particulars relative to bees and honey, when speaking[10] of the
nature of those insects. We have now stated pretty nearly
all that we have to say on the subject of the pleasure garden.